Benefits of Membership
GCICS is an integral part of the Gulf Coast community, and we strive to fulfill our mission every day. That mission is to preserve and honor the culture and traditions of Italian heritage. Through dues, donations and the volunteer work of members we advance our stated mission by organizing and fostering social activities, fellowship, and Italian arts and culture.
Our events focus on celebrating the Italian culture and traditions in new and exciting ways. We work diligently to target new audiences, from all communities – both for membership and for event attendees. Here are just a few examples of the events we host each year: Italian Cultural Heritage Month Welcome Back Luncheon, St. Joseph’s Feast Day Celebration, Scholarship Awards Festa, La Cena Engagements, and Archeological Digs in Sicily.
We welcome new members from all walks of life and from all ethnic origins who enjoy experiencing the Italian culture. Membership dues are essential to the club’s continued viability and revitalization efforts. We thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you to help our membership grow.